This manual contains a set of rules to be complied with to prevent the risks associated with each work station and information concerning occupational health and safety. It applies to all Calvelex staff.


  • All operating and use instructions for equipment/machinery should be carefully followed;
  • Workers should receive clear and precise instructions on the use and functioning of the equipment and machines that they are going to operate, as well as on their associated risks; ask the person in charge if you have any questions;
  • Tools should be maintained by users in good working order and inspected periodically to check their condition;
  • Tools and other accessories should never be carried in clothing pockets, except those intended for this purpose;
  • Tools with sharp and/or cutting edges should be carried so as not to cause injury;
  • Try to keep your workstation clean and tidy, to prevent industrial accidents;
  • Use the correct tools and equipment for the work to be carried out and use them safely;
  • Use approved and appropriate personal protection equipment and keep it in good condition;
  • Respect the safety signage;
  • If you detect anomalies in any equipment that may affect safety and the environment, immediately inform your superior;
  • Do not modify or repair any machinery if you are not qualified;
  • Do not remove or modify machinery guards;
  • Avoid entering the operating range of the mobile plant and try to remain in a location visible to the plant operator;
  • Use all electrical equipment with precaution;
  • Do not consume alcoholic beverages;
  • Do not place other workers at risk;
  • Improvisation is the enemy of safety. For this reason, follow the working instructions/safety procedures you were given for the equipment. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate – ask for explanations;
  • Use the correct locations designated for trimmings and waste.


  • Comply with the legal requirements on Occupational Health and Safety, as well as any instructions you are given on this issue;
  • Look after your health and safety, as well as the health and safety of other people who may be affected by your actions;
  • Correctly handle machinery, tools and other resources made available to you;
  • Use and look after personal and collective protective equipment;
  • Contribute and cooperate to improve the occupational health and safety system;
  • Immediately report any situations of serious and imminent danger you may detect. If it is not possible to establish immediate contact with those who should take the necessary measures, follow the steps established for this situation;
  • Comply with smoking bans;
  • Do not consume alcoholic beverages;
  • Avoid absences;
  • Behave correctly, in terms of both moral and civil conduct;
  • Perform the duties assigned to you with dedication and perfection;
  • Give opinions that can have constructive effects;
  • Help all other employees whenever necessary;
  • Be careful with the materials, tools and vehicles that you use in performing your tasks;
  • Be responsible;
  • Keep accesses and passages free;
  • Correctly organize materials to prevent all risks of accidents to employees in movement;
  • Keep workstations in order, materials tidy and gangways clear, thus preventing workers from slipping or falling;
  • Work machinery should be used by authorized and duly equipped people;
  • Before using any machine or tool (including vehicles) check its condition; any fault that appears should be reported to the person in charge;
  • Do not remain within the operating range of the lifting plant to prevent collision and/or accidents due to falling objects;
  • Keep an eye on the state of repair of portable electrical tools, their power cables, plugs, and other elements;
  • Tools should be correctly connected to power supply units, as envisaged for this purpose;
  • Any provisional adaptation of tools, plugs, or sockets should be carried out by authorized personnel;
  • Whenever a portable electrical tool is hit or falls, this should be immediately reported to the person in charge;
  • Electrical tools should not be used outdoors if it is raining;
  • The manual transport of loads should be carried out with the body in the correct position, to prevent injuries to hands, feet, head and back;
  • Loads should not be carried at eye height, to prevent lack of visibility, collisions and falls;
  • When carrying long objects, make sure you have enough space around you;
  • Do not enter or work in dark places;
  • Do not work at heights without firmly secured railings and check whether there are people and goods in the surrounding area that may be harmed by falling materials or tools;
  • Do not climb ladders without first inspecting their state of repair and the ground on which they are set;
  • Do not use walkways if you have any misgivings concerning their strength.


  • Extinguishers provide first-response protection against fires;
  • They must be inspected once a year, as certified by a seal.


The positioning and use of extinguishers should comply with the following principles:

  • They should be placed on walls or pillars that are easy to access in the event of an emergency and spacious areas;
  • They should be duly signposted and identified, at the entrance to work sites and in the different sections;
  • Staff should be trained to use them correctly.


4.1. Fire Extinguishers should be used as follows:

  • Approach the fire from the direction of the wind or the normal air circulation within the building.
  • Attack the fire directing the extinguisher jet at the base of the flames.
  • In the event of fluids spilt from pipes, move the extinguisher jet from above to below.
  • Ensure a sufficient number of extinguishers for the risk and number of people who could use them.
  • Consider the possibility of abandoning the attempt to extinguish the fire.
  • After use, the fire extinguisher should be recharged by a fire service company.


4.2. Procedure in the event of an accident:

  • Give a general alarm.
  • Identify the fire category.
  • Do not panic.
  • Run in the direction of the nearest fire extinguisher.
  • Pull the extinguisher pin and break the seal.
  • Approach the fire.
  • Use the fire extinguisher by the extinguisher type and fire category.


  • CALVELEX has defined emergency procedures. By each door there is a broken glass box, which should be used in the event of an accident;
  • Whenever you hear the fire alarm (a continuous and uninterrupted signal), turn off all plant, electrical equipment and vehicles;
  • Make your way to the closest emergency exit, leading out of the factory. The meeting point for all staff is next to the main gate, this location being duly identified.


  • Immediately warn or order others to warn the person in charge and/or OHS (Occupational Health and Safety) department and first-aiders in the sector;
  • Do not move the victim, unless the victim’s life is threatened or you have specialized training;
  • Do not give the victim any food or liquids;
  • Protect the victim from cold/heat;
  • Keep away any people not required to administer first aid;
  • Keep accesses clear, to facilitate the arrival of the specialist first aid;
  • In the event of an accident with an electric current, do not touch the victim before ensuring that the electric current has been disconnected;
  • In the event of a serious accident, go to the meeting point and remain attentive to facilitate the counting of the workforce;
  • Do not move the victim, except in a case of extreme necessity;
  • Do not give the victim anything to drink;
  • Keep onlookers away;
  • Follow the provisions of the emergency ground plan.


  • Cutting/sewing/heat bond/labelling and other machines;
  • Each workstation has a safety procedure that should be scrupulously complied with.



Before starting work:

  • Check that the machine is operating normally;
  • Check whether the shut-off control is operational and whether the guards are in place.


While working:

  • Follow all safety instructions concerning equipment handling;
  • Keep gangways clear;
  • Create enough room to perform your work safely
  • Do not use compressed air to clean yourself.


In the event of maintenance:

  • Disconnect the machine;
  • Affix an “undergoing maintenance” notice.


  • Gloves: While handling chemicals and other products;
  • Mask: While handling chemicals and other products;
  • Ear defenders: Employees should use suitable protection against manufacturing noise.


  • National Emergency Number: 112
  • Poisoning/Intoxication (Poison Centre): +351 808 250 143


Lousada Voluntary Fire Brigade:
+351 255 912 119

Penafiel Padre Américo Hospital:
+351 255 714 000

Lustosa Health Centre:
+351 253 584 330

Lousada National Republican Guard:
+351 255 810 470

Lustosa Pharmacy:
+351 253 580 510


Santos Silva Hospital:
+351 227 865 100

Carvalhos Health Centre:
+351 227 842 443

Carvalhos National Republican Guard:
+351 227 842 028

Carvalhos Voluntary Fire Brigade:
+351 227 842 001

Central Pharmacy:
+351 227 861 020


Matosinhos Voluntary Fire Brigade:
+351 229 984 190

Matosinhos Pedro Hispano Hospital:
+351 229 391 000

Matosinhos Health Centre:
+351 220 914 600/1/2

Matosinhos José Morais Pharmacy:
+351 229 375 367

Matosinhos PSP (Police):
+351 229 383 427